Mental health difficulties affect everyone, but men can often face unique barriers when seeking professional assistance for their mental health challenges. Societal stigma, fear of judgment and limited resources make it harder for men of color to express their emotions or seek professional assistance – leading them to remain undiagnosed and untreated for their symptoms – leading to more serious long-term consequences, including depression anxiety and suicidal thoughts.
Many mental health disorders affect men and women equally; however, certain symptoms may be more prominent or less prevalent among males than females, impacting illness progression based on sex. ADHD diagnosis rates among children tend to be higher than among adults; moreover it’s also more frequently found among men than among women; furthermore depression symptoms may also be more pronounced among men than among females.
Historically, men have been discouraged from seeking mental health help due to stigma surrounding mental illness. Society expects them to “man up” or simply get over whatever issue may be bothering them and they fear judgement from friends, family and colleagues if they seek support or express emotional struggles through therapy for men.
Men who suffer from mental health issues remain stigmatized and less likely than women to seek treatment, making suicide four times more likely. Furthermore, undiagnosed or untreated mental health challenges can have devastating repercussions for relationships and workplace performance.
But you have an opportunity to reverse this trend by having an honest dialogue with the men in your life. Start a dialogue and show your support of their mental wellbeing; if they seem distressed, offer to connect them with a therapist or resource.
If you’re unsure how to approach this subject with someone in your life, there are numerous resources that can help. Organizations have begun efforts to unify groups, increase clarity and awareness around mental health concerns and create resources. You can learn more by visiting Stop Stigma Together website.
Change the conversation about men’s mental health by encouraging the men in your life to open up about their emotions and consult a therapist about their wellbeing. Seeking care shows strength, and will demonstrate that you value their wellbeing.